Wednesday, April 25, 2007

French Dilemma?

One of Europe's most powerful country is graplling today in finding a leader for the nation-state. The French society is affected by ethnic clevages, political apathy, lack of direction and most importantly a dilemma between Capitalism and Socialism. This dilemma is reflected in the Presidential election candidature of Mr. Sarkozy and Ms. Royal. The decision of almost 45 million voters will decide not only the fate of these candidates but also the course of direction that the country wants to take. Italy and Spain expect Ms Royal; where as Germany, England and the director of (nations)states - the USA prefer Mr. Sarkozy. As globalization and with it the open market economy leaps forward, and the people's apiration for consumerism grows across the globe, the question is how far the socialist policies Ms. Royal appeal people beyond the the working class? To add here, the French working class is becoming negligible and most importantly vulnerable before the regulations of the capital. On the other hand, what vision Mr. Sarkozy has in rescuing France from economic and political crisis and in advancing what France was once known for - equality, liberty, and fraternity?

Resolving the dilemma depends on the decision of the French citizen....

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