Onthe road to Trivandrum
Coconutoil in my hair
Warm smell of avial
Risingup through the air
Upahead in the distance
Isaw a bright pink tube-light
Mytummy rumbled, I felt weak and thin
Ihad to stop for a bite
Therehe stood in the doorway
Flickedhis mundu in style
AndI was thinking to myself
Idon't like the look of his sinister smile
Thenhe lit up a petromax
Muttering'No power today'
MoreMallus down the corridor
Ithought I heard them say
Welcometo the Hotel Kerala-fonia
Sucha lousy place,
Sucha lousy place (background)
Sucha sad disgrace,
Plentyof bugs at the Hotel Kerala-fonia
Anytime of year
Anytime of year (background)
It'sinfested here
It'sinfested here
Hisfinger's stuck up his nostril
He'sgot a big, thick mustache
Hemakes an ugly, ugly noise
Butthat's just his laugh
Buxomgirls clad in pavada
Eatingbanana chips
Someroll their eyes, and
Someroll their hips
Isaid to the manager
Myroom's full of mice
Don'tworry, saar,I sending you
meenkarri, brandy and ice
Andstill those voices were crying from far away
Wakeyou up in the middle of the night
Justto hear them pray
Saveus from the Hotel Kerala-fonia
Sucha lousy place,
Sucha lousy place (background)
Sucha sad disgrace
Tryingto live at the Hotel Kerala-fonia
Itis no surprise
Itis no surprise (background)
Thatit swarms with flies
The blind man was pouring
Stale sambar on rice
And he said
Weare all just actors here
In Silk Smitha-disguise
Andin the dining chamber
We gathered for the feast
Westab it with our steely knives
But we just can't cut that beef
Last thing I remember
Iwas writhing on the floor
That cockroach in my appam-stew was the culprit,
Iam sure
Relax,said the watchman
This enema will make you well
Andhis friends laughed as they held me down
God's Own Country?
Oh, Hell!
ã•he Yeagles